Category: United States

Thoughts on President Trump’s Economic and Jobs Plans

It has been a week since the bombshell election of 2016. Depending on where you live and your views you are depressed, ecstatic, protesting, hopeful. Putting aside politics for the moment, let’s examine how President Trump’s economic and jobs plans could look: 1) Trying to Bring Back Offshored Jobs to the US I’ve written before about the difficulty of onshoring… Read more →

Ed Sappin American Flag

10 Reasons to be Thankful if You Live in the United States

It’s been a rough year, a rough month, a rough week. Police shooting minorities, police being shot; Brexit creating global uncertainty; thousands of people dying in Syria including an uptick in child suicides; another terror attack in France; China vowing to ignore an international tribunal ruling in favor of the Philippines; a US Presidential election where almost nobody really likes… Read more →